Reading Habits Tag

I saw this book tag in multiple places over the years and actually have had the questions saved since 2020 but no note of where I found the questions. It’s a nice easy one so I was saving it for when I’d like to drop a post but don’t have one scheduled or much time to work on one. So shoutout to whoever created this!

1. Bookmarks or random things?

I prefer bookmarks and have WAY too many but if I’m stuck and my bookmark has disappeared under blankets or cushions then I’ll use whatever is handy. It’s usually hair ties or scrunchies!

2. Stop after a chapter or stop anywhere?

Always a chapter.

3. Certain places for reading at home?

Super lucky to have my own library that is one of my favourite places in the world. I also like to read in bed and I have a reading chair in our sitting room.

4. Reading at home or everywhere?

I do like to read everywhere but home is the best place.

5. Eat or drink while reading?

I like tea or a glass of wine. I don’t eat while reading a physical book but have been known to eat my lunch and dinner with my kindle.

6. Music or TV while reading?

About 90% of the time I like to read with no background noise but sometimes, especially if I’m rereading, I like to have some music playing low in the background.

7. One book at a time or several?

Usually one kindle, one physical and one audiobook.

8. Reading out loud or silently?

Always silent.

9. Do you read ahead or skip pages?

I almost never read ahead BUT if I am climbing the walls with anxiety about what’s going to happen I might look ahead 5 or 6 chapters and read a line or two just to get an idea of where things are going, usually this is just me looking for a name of a character to see if they are still alive! 😀

10. Breaking the spine or keep it like new?

I like to keep my books like new when I buy them new. One of the reasons I enjoy secondhand books is that someone else has already done the thing I can’t.

11. Do you write in your books?

I was about to jump on this and say ABSOLUTELY NOT! but there are actually a few non-fiction books I’ve made notes in over the years. Pompeii: The Life of a Roman Town by Mary Beard is one of those.

I brought this book with me when we went to Pompeii and I had underlined the things I knew I’d want to reference while there.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Mischenko says:

    What an amazing library! I wouldn’t want to leave. ☺️ We have some similarities, but I can’t have music on while reading unfortunately. Great tag!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mindforbooks says:

      Now I’m very particular about the music I can listen to and the books that qualify! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mischenko says:

        😆 I was thinking about it, and maybe classical would work alright. I’m going to attempt it.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Aahna Yadav says:

    Wow!! A detailed version of the reader inside you!! 😊
    And you are SUPER lucky to have such a gorgeous library of your own (Are those pics of your own lib? ) I usually read in bed with a low light lamp switched on. Perfect scene. 😌
    Thanks for sharing….


  3. I'm All Booked Up YA says:

    The Pompeii pictures are amazing! Also, we love your bookshelves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mindforbooks says:

      Pompeii is incredible, I’m so grateful I got to see it. And thank you, I love my reading space and rarely want to leave! 😂


  4. thefiftyedit says:

    I never write in my books either. I like to keep them as pristine as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mindforbooks says:

      They need to feel like textbooks for me before I’ll write in them and when I do write in them it’s always, always in pencil! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

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