May 2024 in Pictures

May photo dump, my excuse for being so late this month is being on leave for the first 2 weeks of June and being too busy having a lovely time and napping to get round to doing them! 😂

1. May was amazing, we had summer and The Northern Lights all in one weekend. A magical weekend.

2. The lights were mind blowing, still can’t believe we saw them.

3. For a summer weekend (probably the only one we’ll get in Ireland) white wine sangria is a must.

4. Summer is big for the gluten free focaccia in our house. This is amazing and really easy to change up. Tomato and goats cheese is the best one.

5. Got gorgeous new garden lights and I love how they look.

6. Even though the super warm weather disappeared there were still some nice evenings and it gave us the chance to light the chiminea.

7. The boldest cat in the land is also the most photogenic! 😂

8. Weekend cocktails!

9. Ended the month flying to Mallorca. First time there and I feel like an idiot for not going sooner.

10. We’ll be going back and when we go back to this area we’ll be staying in the same hotel because it was stunning!

Must start my post for June now! 😂

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